Mara TV

Mara TV is a television channel owned by the Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA), a Malaysian government agency that promotes education and entrepreneurship among the Malay and Bumiputera communities. The channel was launched in 2011 and is available on the Astro satellite platform in Malaysia.

Mara TV’s programming is primarily focused on educational content, including documentaries, talk shows, and instructional programs. The channel’s mission is to provide viewers with knowledge and skills that can help them succeed in their personal and professional lives.

One of the key features of Mara TV is its emphasis on entrepreneurship and business skills. The channel features programs that offer practical advice on starting and running a business, including interviews with successful entrepreneurs and experts in various fields. This programming is aimed at promoting entrepreneurship and encouraging viewers to start their own businesses.

mara tv live malaysia

Mara TV also features programs on education, including tutorials on various subjects such as science, mathematics, and English. These programs are designed to help students improve their academic performance and achieve their educational goals.

In addition to its educational programming, Mara TV also features cultural and entertainment content that celebrates Malay and Bumiputera culture. This includes music programs, cultural festivals, and documentaries on local history and traditions.

Mara TV plays an important role in promoting education and entrepreneurship among Malay and Bumiputera communities in Malaysia. The channel provides viewers with valuable knowledge and skills that can help them succeed in their personal and professional lives and promotes a strong sense of cultural identity and pride. The channel is an important resource for anyone interested in education and entrepreneurship in Malaysia.